If you are a coffee shop, restaurant, hotel, foodservice business or any other organisation looking for Hausbrandt coffee beans at wholesale prices, feel free to browse our range and contact us for pricing and quantity discounts – click here to apply for a trade account.
Coffee buying customers also receive preferential rates on equipment, equipment servicing, consumables and training !
Hausbrandt Coffee Beans at the Best Price in the UK
We supply Hausbrandt coffee beans, and many other brands, from our warehouse in Hampshire in the UK, just off the M3 motorway and around 20 minutes from the M4 – perfectly situated for businesses in and around the south of the UK.
An additional benefit in buying your Hausbrandt coffee beans from us is that not only do we supply coffee beans and the associated consumables, whether you need compostable takeaway cups, sugar, stirrers, or a brand new espresso machine, but we also have the capacity to offer barista training, equipment servicing and maintenance.
Buy Hausbrandt Coffee Beans from us and save even more money....
Lastly, if you do buy your Hausbrandt Coffee Beans from us, or ANY coffee beans in our range in fact, and you have an espresso machine, or bean-to-cup machine, any service you need from us will be at a discounted rate, meaning you save even more money !
Coffee for Home
Note if you are an individual looking for some great coffee beans we recommend you visit our small batch roastery web site at anvilcoffee.co.uk where can purchase smaller quantities of coffee online for home use.
(at the last count)
Find our more about our coffee beans
or are looking to change from your existing brand, get in touch with us today...
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Call us, email us or fill in the form and we will be pleased to help...
E-mail: sales@qualitasse.co.uk